
Showing posts from June, 2021


  RESOURCE PLANNING Q . Why is resource planning is required?  It is necessary because there is diversity in availability of resources. There is regional disparity also. It balance the development of nations in all regions and in all locals. Q. Resource planning is a complex process. Explain?  Or Q. What are the steps of resource planning? Resource planning is complex process which involves 3 steps for resource planning 1. Identification or invention of resources across the country 2. Mapping 3. Estimation of quantity and quality of resources. Planning resource ways 1 . To develop technology to utilise the resource. Ways 2.Institutional setup 3.Linking the local development plan, nation development plan and state development plan.


 Pharynx - : Pharynx is about 12 cm long funnel shape vertical canal were serve as a passage ways to food from bacal cavity to oesophagus  and air from nose to trachea  It is a common pathway for food and air Oesophagus - : The oesophagus is a long and tubular structure which serve to carry the food from pharynx to the stomach. The wall of oesophagus is highly mascular. It is not concerned with digestion. It exhibit peristaltic movement and the food is food push forward in digestive track. This movement occurs through all the alimentary canal. Stomach - : Stomach is mascular sac present on the left side of abdomen. Partially digested food reaches into the stomach now further digestion of food takes place. The stomach serves four main functions STORAGE OF FOOD  The food is stored in stomach variable duration. 1. Carbohydrate continue to get digested till the salivary enzyme (ptyalin) destroyed by hydrochloric acid in the stomach. 2.The carbohydrate remains in stomach ...

Geography Class 8TH JUNE 2021

 1. Potential resource  Resources that found in a region but still not utilised due to lack of technology it is called potential resource. ( quality and quantity are also not known.)  1. Potential resource Those resources which quantity and quality are not known and we have not any advanced technology to use them. 2. Developed resource Those resources which quality and quantity are known and we have efficient technology to use them 3. Stock Those resources whose quality and quantity are known and we have technology to use them but not the advance technology. 4. Reserved resource Those resource whose quality and quantity is known and we have also efficient technology to use them but we reserved then for future generations. Development of resource  Sustainable development  The development which does not harm the environment adopting development technique in such a way that it should be available for future generations.  Global initiatives on sustainable devel...


  The  dental formula of human is 2123/2123 The buccal cavity has 3pairs of salivary gland located at different locations The parotid gland lies on the side of face. Sub lingual gland under the front part of the tongue Submaxillary gland lies at the angle of lower jaw. These salivary glands secret saliva through their ducts. Saliva contain water, salt, musings , ptyalin, The ptyalin Not to be noted Carbohydrate - : Commonly known as saccharides  also knows as sugar it has many types Monosaccharides - one molecule of sugar eg. Glucose Disaccharides - 2 Molecules of sugar eg. Sucrose,(from sugarcane) lactose ( milk) , maltose(chapattis and in rice) sugarcane juice, sugar crystals Poligosaccharides - 10 molecules of sugar Polysaccharide - many sugar molecules eg. Starch, Our cell receives only monosaccharides type of carbohydrate. The enzyme ptyalin the starch and glycogen into maltose. Thus, carbohydrate digestion begins in the buccal cavity itself which is ...


 1.,Humans obtain their food from plants, animals, and their product by holozoic mode of nutrition. 2. The essential component of human diet are water, carbohydrate, fat, protein, roughage, vitamins and minerals. 3. The human digestive system consists of an alimentary canal and many digestive glands. STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF MAIN ORGANS OF ALIMENTARY CANAL AND ASSOCIATED DIGESTIVE GLAND The alimentary canal is a long tube with mascular walls, it extend from mouth to anus. The uncoiled alimentary canal measures generally 9m long in which and it is several ducts of digestive gland open to secrete their digestive secretions These organs are given below in order in which they are involved in the digesting food mouth 2. Buccal cavity 3. Pharynx  4. Oesophagus 5. Stomach 6. Small intestine 7. Large intestine Mouth - : It is a uppermost opening gives passage for ingestion of food. It is cover by 2 soft lips and opens in to a chamber called buccal cavity or oral cavity. Buccal cavit...


  CENTER STATE RELATION 1. Center state relationship was not so good at any point of time.  2. When center state have same party government then center force their decision on state. It is against autonomy of state government 3. When there is different party in center and state then center use article 356 and impose presidential rule.  4. Coalition government 1990 Center don't impose law on government. It was on bamboos so state misuse their power and force the center government to do if they not and they were  fall  their government.  5. Supreme Court say if you use arbitrary manner to fall government then punishment was there until there was good reason for presidential rule or emergency. DECENTRALIZATION IN INDIA - : When power is divided in central and its constituents called federalism. When power of central government and state government is taken away and given to decentralization  Qu. Explain the steps taken by government of India tow...


 MODES OF NUTRITION - : There are large number of organisms and they live in different environment conditions. The have various methods of obtaining food by the organisms. This is called MODES OF NUTRITION. Depending on the modes of obtaining nutrients every organism is classified into two groups. 1. Autotrophic - : Auto means self and trophic means nutrition or food. It is a kind of nutrition in which organism prepare or synthesize there own organic food utilising only the raw materials present in surrounding. 2. Heterotrophic - : It is a kind of nutrition in which organism receive energy from the intake and Digestion of organic substances prepared by autotrophs and other organic sources. Difference between organic and inorganic substances-: 1. Organic - : Substance which contains carbon oxygen and hydrogen.  2. Inorganic - : Substance which does not contain carbon oxygen and hydrogen.  THANK YOU so much  Dewanshu rai 


 Green plants are autotrophic is means that they synthesis own organic food by the process of photosynthesis.  PHOTOSYNTHESIS - : Plant synthesize there food with the help of light which means sunlight.  It is the important process by which green plants synthesize simple food like starch, carbohydrates and evolve molecular oxygen from simple organic substance like carbon dioxide and water with the help of light energy.                                       OR The process of photosynthesis can be defined as the conversion of photonic energy (solar energy or radiant energy) into two chemical energy 1. locked in high energy bonds of carbohydrate. 2. By the green parts of plants.  Photosynthesis is most important anabolic process Metabolic have two types 1. Anabolic It is a constructive process which was done by plants in photosynthesis. 2. Catabolic It is a destructive pr...


 LINGUISTIC STATES - : 1st October 1956-  Andhra Pradesh was created by separating tamil Nadu 14  states and 6 union territories are made on the basis of language. Punjab Not based on the language based on the five river combination. But now punjab divided on the basis of language Hindi speaking area became HARYANA Punjabi speaking area become PUNJAB Jhelum Chenab Ravi Satluj Indus  Bombay also bifurcates Gujarati speaking Gujrat and Marathi speaking maharashtra. Oriya speaking become Orissa from the KALINGA and changed to UTKAL Kannada speaking become karnataka Some states made by their ethnic groups Nagas made nagaland Mizos made mizoram LANGUAGE POLICY - : 8th schedule of indian constitution deal with language. Part 17 include language policy. Article 343 to 351 When language policy made in our country in starting then hindi become national language but south ( T. T KRISHNACHARI ) people say that if hindi language is forced on them then they separate from Indian u...


 Thllakoids - Stacks of grans which is pocket like structure and form compact granum. Thylakoids of one granum connected to other granum with the help of lamella called stroma lamellae which is also known as fret channel and named after the scientist FRET. The green colour photosynthetic pigments chlorophyll and caretenoids are located in the membrane of thllakoids. These are the site of light reaction of photosynthesis. RAW MATERIALS FOR PHOTOSYNTHESIS - : Green plants takes carbon dioxide and water from surrounding environment and convert them into simple carbohydrate ( many sugar molecules ) starch. Thus carbon dioxide and water h20 are the raw materials for photosynthesis. The terrestrial plants get carbon dioxide through stomata present on epidermal layer (epidermis) very small pores made up of two v shape (kidney shape) guard cells who control the opening and closing of stomata. The aquatic plants (hyrophytes) take dissolve form of carbon dioxide to the guard surface of plant...

Biology class 3rd JUNE 2021

 The rate of photosynthesis process is affected by several external ( enviromental) internal factor, these factors are Temperature Light Water Carbon dioxide 1. Light The ultimate source of light for photosynthesis is solar radiation. Out of total solar energy reaching to the earth, only a very small portion ( about 2%) is used in photosynthesis. Light varies in intensity, quality ( wavelength ) and duration. Under low light intensity the rate of photosynthesis is also low. At very high light intensity the photosynthesis is decreased due to photo oxidation of constituents. The quality or wavelength of light also affect photosynthesis. For eg. Green pigment chlorophyll mostly absorb blue and red light they reflect green light. Therefore photosynthesis is high in blue or red light and very low in green light 2. Temperature The rate of photosynthesis increase by increase in temperature upto 40°C. Above 40°C there is decrease in photosynthesis process. Similarly low temperature also st...