Pharynx - :

Pharynx is about 12 cm long funnel shape vertical canal were serve as a passage ways to food from bacal cavity to oesophagus  and air from nose to trachea 

It is a common pathway for food and air

Oesophagus - :

The oesophagus is a long and tubular structure which serve to carry the food from pharynx to the stomach. The wall of oesophagus is highly mascular. It is not concerned with digestion. It exhibit peristaltic movement and the food is food push forward in digestive track. This movement occurs through all the alimentary canal.

Stomach - :

Stomach is mascular sac present on the left side of abdomen. Partially digested food reaches into the stomach now further digestion of food takes place.

The stomach serves four main functions


The food is stored in stomach variable duration.

1. Carbohydrate continue to get digested till the salivary enzyme (ptyalin) destroyed by hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

2.The carbohydrate remains in stomach forgot about carbohydrates about 1 to 2 hr protein upto 3 hr fat 3 to 6 hr.

3.THE stored food in the stomach enables us to take  food at interval.


Wall of stomach under goes periodic mascular contraction the food get churned mixes thoroughly with gastric juices.


Stomach posses branch and tubular glands present on the inner surface of its walls. There are 3 types of glands which secrete hydrochloric acid, protein digestive enzyme and Mucus. 

All these secretions are collectively called gastric juice. 

THANK YOU so much 

Dewanshu rai 


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