The dental formula of human is 2123/2123 The buccal cavity has 3pairs of salivary gland located at different locations The parotid gland lies on the side of face. Sub lingual gland under the front part of the tongue Submaxillary gland lies at the angle of lower jaw. These salivary glands secret saliva through their ducts. Saliva contain water, salt, musings , ptyalin, The ptyalin Not to be noted Carbohydrate - : Commonly known as saccharides also knows as sugar it has many types Monosaccharides - one molecule of sugar eg. Glucose Disaccharides - 2 Molecules of sugar eg. Sucrose,(from sugarcane) lactose ( milk) , maltose(chapattis and in rice) sugarcane juice, sugar crystals Poligosaccharides - 10 molecules of sugar Polysaccharide - many sugar molecules eg. Starch, Our cell receives only monosaccharides type of carbohydrate. The enzyme ptyalin the starch and glycogen into maltose. Thus, carbohydrate digestion begins in the buccal cavity itself which is ...